Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The banners are waving! WE WON!

Not only did our Lakers win last night but our Ron
Artest was given the J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship
Award which he duly deserved. His fight against
Mental illness is so worthy of mention. He has
been most aware of the trauma many families face
dealing with this that his tireless efforts have taken
him before Congress for awareness in schools.
His advocacy in support for the Schools Act in
raising money for the Los Angeles County Dept.
of Mental Health embodies the kind of dedication
to important causes that the NBA players have
become known for. Ron has raised more than
$650,000 when he raffled off his Championship
ring in support of Mental Health Awareness and
even was instrumental in filming a public service
announcement. He actually has a passion for this issue.
He is one of our dramatic Laker players too and helped
us to win Tuesday's game against the New Orleans
Hornets. It was questionable if Kobe Bryant would be
suiting up to play, having earlier been seen using crutches.
His left foot and ankle were sprained and sore as he
hobbled about for awhile warming up but then the player
in his soul kicked in and he showed what all he is
made of. In the first quarter former Laker Trevor Ariza
continued to haunt his old teammates as he scored 10
points in taking a 9 point advantage. In the second quarter,
the plan seemed to change a bit and the Lakers began
to respond better. After it seemed Kobe showed no signs
of a tweaked ankle, scoring 12 points to help us get a good
head start, it gave cause for the fans to begin to breathe easier.
In the third quarter Pau Gasol's 3 point play gave us an 11 point
lead and Derek Fisher made 2 - 3 pointers like the player he is.
The fans went wild and then the game began in earnest as the
fourth quarter gave us a 15 point lead showing a Laker win of 106-90.
What a terrific game! Our hats get thrown into the air on this one!
Thank you Lakers for a genuinely great game! We shattered them!
Upcoming game is this Thursday eve. in New Orleans and then
hopefully back again to Staples Center Saturday for game 7.
NBA Playoffs Western Conference Quarterfinals. Bets are on!
Babs Wells

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