Monday, April 18, 2011

Just a bloody game,right?

True. April 17,2011. First game of the playoffs
and it took place right in L.A. on home court
besides. Lakers against the least one, the
New Orleans Hornets. Pau Gasol got a bad
cut right below an eye so trotted off to the
lockers to get a repair job as blood oozed
down his cheek. Kobe Bryant went hurtling
into a metal chair and just sat there nursing
a sore neck. Evident we just plainly did not
practice as we ought to have done. Perhaps we
got a bit cocky. The visiting team
came in bold and energetic and took over.
Playoff games are not the regular season ones.
The games have real meaning and the message
seems clear after this initial loss. Final score:
New Orleans 109 and our Lakers 100.
Derek Fisher claims our attitude was good
and we performed well but evidently not good
enough to win. He said "We've lost this game
and put ourselves in a position where Wednesday's
game is extremely important to balance this
thing back out". So, even with Kobe having made
34 points he could not swing a win all alone,certainly.
Pau made 8 points and 6 rebounds. Lamar Odom
had 10 points, one rebound and 2 assists. Andrew
had 13 points and 9 rebounds but with all
of their efforts, they simply did not come charging
out on to the court with enough energy to match
their opponents. Shannon Brown said "There was
no reason we should have come out and played
with no energy and no life. We definitely have to
pick that up. We shouldn't have been in this
position. We need better defense, true..but
we've got to come out there with life, man"
And on that note..there is life..a brand new one, in fact!
This writer became a great Grandmother during
the Lakers' Sunday game at half time!
Can you believe it? A little 6 lb. 3 oz. baby girl
was born to my only granddaughter after many
hours of waiting and waiting and there she was!
Whole and alive and bursting with her own energy!
Sorry we lost the ball game Sunday but thrilled
we won a beautiful new member for our family clan!
Welcome to the world Saige! May God richly bless you!
Babs Wells

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