Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Playoff games come up pretty soon
and we'd better begin honing up for those!
The last two games are an indication of that need
certainly with 9 wins under our belt since the
"All Star Break" but now also these last 2 losses.
Sunday's game had Denver winning with score
of 95 while our Lakers scored only 90. It was the
Lakers first loss since a March 10 defeat against
the Heat in Miami. The Lakers last home loss was
Feb. 3rd. against the San Antonio Spurs. And so
then until last evenings' Utah game when we lost
by only one point. Maddening to be sure and do not
think the two leg injuries of Pau Gasol and Andrew
played any part in the loss either. Not shooting
well was really the main complaint for both games I
think. Seemed one misplay in a game filled with them.
Being host to another team in order to play on one's own
court ought to be reason enough to win, it would seem
but Tuesday Kobe Bryant had a chance to win the game
and lost the ball in the lane just as the buzzer sounded.
So final score was Utah at 86 and Lakers at 85.
Listlessness and lethargy seemed the call of the wild
in this last game sad to report. Now back to back games
with Golden State coming up so, tired, are we?! Hmm
Hope naps took care of that problem and we can rev
it up a notch to win this one. Get confident lads!
Babs Wells

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