Saturday, November 5, 2011


Saturday, November 5th, the owners
and the players of the NBA, will once again meet.
They really need an economic move to end
this impasse. When negotiations begin again
the union leaders say that they are unified
as they seek to resolve the lockout.
The battle is not within the union, we are
being told by Milwaukee guard Keyon Dooling.
We also are reading that Derek Fisher is the
best president the union has ever seen.
As vice president, he stated that as committee
members report, they will stand behind him.
Owners and players have not met since talks
broke off Friday Nov. 28th. Billy Hunter, executive
director, said federal mediator George Cohen
contacted him earlier this week about possibly
rejoining the negotiations. Cohen probably
will not be involved in this meeting, but the
conversation led to Hunter calling commissioner
David Stern on Wednesday about resuming talks.
Hunter said union leaders had spent the past
several days cautioning players that the two
sides were still far apart on several system
issues, so completing a deal was not as simple
as a compromise on the revenue split.
Derek Fisher stated that indeed the players
were anxious to begin to play once more but that
they simply could not rush into a deal that
may become a bad deal just to save the season.
Although neither side seems to be shifting
their stance, the talks will resume .
And so fans, we sit it out again to watch and see.
Babs Wells

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