Tuesday, November 1, 2011

No Basketball games while we play the Waiting game

More negotiations rule the day. Players had 57%
of their monies and now have agreed to have 52.5%
and still it is not to be a given. Owners are
insisting on 50-50. Rome was not built in a day
we are told but these stalemate meetings continue
to go on and on with no exhibition games & we are now being
told no playing games even through the month of November.
Yes, realization has set in, no full NBA season is
any longer possible. The talks have broken down.
The old cap system allowed teams to exceed it
through the use of a number of exceptions, many
of which the league wants to tweak or even
eliminate. Union executive director Billy Hunter,
has called a hard cap a "blood issue" to players,
and though the league has backed off its initial
proposal calling for one, players think the
changes owners want would work like one.
Negotiations have broken off again over the
division of basketball related income, just as
they did last Thursday. The split, when any talks
resumed, continued to be a deal with 50-50 as the
only concession so far left standing.
Hunter went on to say "We made a lot of concessions,
but unfortunately at this time it's not enough, and
we're not prepared or unable at this time to move
any further". David Stern made it clear that owners'
future proposals would be made with the losses in mind.
Players eventually will get their money, but less of it.
However the damage to the businesses that rely on the
game will not be recoverable.
And, as has been said already before, other than we
fans losing out those businesses are sure losing out too.
With so many people depending on monies from games played,
seeing in print that even with a possible agreement now,
potentially $2 billion is at stake for each side, leaves
a bad taste in our mouths, speaking of such larger numbers.
Waiting game continues to plague us.
Babs Wells

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