Monday, November 7, 2011


Saturday yet another meeting. This one
just a tad different is all. Now plea
is for 51% allowance regarding NBA
players. This then, is maybe the bottom
line and we shall see how it plays out
(a word play being the crucial word) !
Wednesday, apparently, is the deadline
given right now for acceptance as to
their ultimatum. However union president
representing the Lakers, Derek Fisher,
is skeptical that this would be the
final word after all. What all this boils
down to is whether or not there will even
be a 2011/2012 playing season after all.
On Wednesday, the offer is being threatened
to drop from 51% to 47%.
So if all involved are not on the same page
with this, (The league-imposed) deadline,
then it will very likely trigger more calls
to disband the union & by doing so, it would
mean taking the league to court, a battle that
could take months. What this would mean is,
a vote to de-certify would end this season.
Attorney Jeffery Kessler stated
that the players are beginning now to really
feel efforts at intimidation on what is right.
Now being offered, is not in the players best
interests. Compromise seems to be a dirty word
and the others in this fray are not giving
an inch so the players feel that they are
not actually being given a choice.
In a totally different realm, Billy Graham,
the Evangelist, celebrates his 93rd. Birthday
today, and he just completed his 30th Book
that he has written.
Another note of interest is that on Sunday.
November 6, 1861, James Naismith -
the inventor of the game of Basketball - was
born in Almonte, Ontario Canada.
And finally, we sadly bid our goodbyes to
one of the finest curmudgeons around,
that great writer and wonderful commentator
on CBS for so many years having gone in
for undisclosed surgery at 92, Andy Rooney
did not make it & so we lost his writing & his wit.
Good bye and we'll not disturb you as you so
often urged your many fans to honor.
Babs Wells

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