Monday, February 13, 2012


Big Apple...right? Big dud this
time around for us, sad to say. Lin
had the floor and the spectators
looked up in awe it would appear.
We lost big time but we might be
able to redeem ourselves in Toronto.
Kobe makes the claim that it really
is not about points for him but rather
about rings. He states that the Lakers
are going through a rough time right now
although eventually they will get it right.
Score for Fridays' game against the New
York Knickerbockers was 92-85.
Former Lakers coach Phil Jackson is in
the news. At 66, he is sitting down
and writing another book. He already
wrote "Sacred Hoops" and "The Last
Season" plus he collaborated with the
photographer, Andrew Bernstein on a
coffee table book entitled "Journey
to the Ring." This newest offering is
"Eleven Rings", a memoir due next
year. Jackson retired after his chase
for a twelfth title that ended with
a loss to Dallas, last May. He is a
member of the Hall of Fame and had
the most championships in league
history and .704 winning percentage.
He won five titles while with the Lakers
and six titles when he was with the
Chicago Bulls. Toronto, playing this
morning before heading back home again.
I am not going to probably be able to
report on this game today however as
my youngest one is visiting us from
Oregon and I would really like to
concentrate on some good eats and
conversations with her this time.
If, however, it deems possible, I
will certainly attack the keyboard
and fill you in on today's game.
Until next time meeting you here
then, I will sign off for now.
Babs Wells

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