Saturday, November 30, 2013


We won! Jordan FarmarNick Young, Pau
Gasol, all showed us their worth. Wesley
Johnson too is a player worth watching.
Even though we blew a large lead, we
managed to pull a winning game out of
the hat so to speak. It does look odd to
me to see Paul Pierce playing with a
totally different team other than Boston.
Our winning score was: 99-94.
Pau Gasol alone had 21 points. This
moved him ahead into second place on
the NBA's career list for points by a
European player. Chants were heard from
the stands as our Lakers came out onto the 
floor wearing their new black uniforms.
Nick Young scored a season high 26 points
to show such spark with the huge efforts
from the league's most productive bench.
Our victory on Wednesday over the Nets
at Barclay's Center also provided a case 
study on how they can morph from one identity
one night over another.
And once again, we can clap our hands to
thank Nick Young during Friday's game
against Detroit; another road trip for us.
Nursing a sprain on his ring finger of
his left hand, he still managed to sink
two free throws, having been fouled 
by Detroit's forward Josh Smith. Our
winning score for this last game played?
106-102. Friends, Jordan Farmar and Nick
Young go way back together when they were
students. Jordan made the statement that
he was going to say something a coach might 
not say, and that is that Nick Young won a
game on defense. Farmar himself helped
our Lakers when there was a 1-0 point fourth
quarter deficit by making a 3-pointer, a reverse
layup and a step-back jumper. We as Lakers
improved our road record to a 3-5, and won five
of our past 6 games. Now we can build and grow
with what we are doing.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Score? 116-111. Parts of the game
we matched and even got ahead some
but at the trail ending, Washington Wizards
outplayed us and we must own up to that.
Jordan Farmar made 22 points. His
sidekick Nick Young, although clowning
around off the courts and being fun to be
near, did his best on Tuesday night as well.
He did make 16 points, Steve Blake
made 15 points, Wes Johnson 11 points
and Jordan Hill made 10 points.
Pau Gason mentioned he may be 
likened to fine wine, getting better as
he "aged". Brazilian Pau is 31. Pau had
17 points playing against the D.C. team.
Tonight is another game being played.
It will be on earlier here in California, 
airing at 4:30 in the afternoon, and
is being played against Brooklyn at
Barclays Center.
Money? A mere $48 million dollar PLUS 
contract was offered to our star, Kobe Bryant, 
for the next two years. He then will have 
played for the purple and gold for a period 
of 20 years and will very likely be retiring 
after this contract is over with. 
He began his career at age 18 and a High
School 'er. His body has done its share of 
complaining through out these years, the 
latest problem being his Achilles heal tendon.
In practice he seems very able however and 
is looking forward to being in uniform and out 
there with his buddies playing his best.
His practices appear to be doing extremely 
well so after these next two games away 
from home it is very possible we will be seeing
him play again on Dec. 6th when we play 
against Sacramento. At any rate, we, 
in addition to his trainers, really do not want 
Kobe to try coming back to play until he is 
deemed ready.
Turkey Day tomorrow! 
May God Bless us all this Thanksgiving.
Babs Wells

Monday, November 25, 2013


Our players joined forces and we won our
last two games! Hopeful that once we do
get out there on the road, some of this
enthusiasm will be packed within the clothes
suitcases too so we can strut our stuff!
Pau Gasol said he would gladly donate
$1,000 for each point he made on Friday
to give the proceeds to the relief effort
for the horrid Phillippine storm. He made
24 points and therefore donated $24,000
and mentioned he hoped others would be
following suit for their own gifts of love
and caring for those poor victims and
their families. Nick Young was in good
form as was Jordan Hill. The entire team
seemed to be very unified and set on
winning. It was so much fun to watch.
Stu Lantz has had laryngitis so his
speaking voice was mum. Bill McDonald
was telling the viewers about his earlier
days with Chic Hearn and pictures of
them together brought back memories.
Stu's deep voice almost mesmerizes you
when he is speaking and describing the plays.
He is announcer for our NBA Lakers
in his 27th season now. James Worthy
filled in for Stu along with Bill doling play
by play. Stu missed 3 games back in
2009 when he took time off  while his
wife recovered from surgery. In other years
he skipped games to attend his mothers'
funeral and his daughters' college graduation.
This then was the first time he missed a game
because of health issues. Another note
of mention is that fans brought in books
that were gently used to donate to a local
charity in honor of Chic Hearn, former broadcaster.
Back soreness kept Chris Kaman off the courts
so that he could heal. In fact he was out for 2 games.
Kobe Bryant is still in a process of recovering from
his Achilles heal tendon surgery. Coach D'Antoni
stated that it is timing, conditioning and many other
things that fall into play for healing and that he
chooses to not hurry Kobe back into uniform until
he deems he is more ready to tackle playing.
Steve Blake and Pau Gasol talked about the plays
Kobe has made though in practice and that he
looked good and they were quite surprised.
D'Antoni also talked some about Steve Blake's
hustling his plays and although not super tall,
he runs fast and dunks shots and never seems
to flinch doing so at every single possibility.
He has brought some relative backcourt stability
while both Nash and Bryant heal up. Steve Nash
does seem to be doing some better. He traveled to
Vancouver with personal trainer Rick Celebrini
but will return to L.A. next weekend before L.A.
hosts the Portland Trail Blazers on Dec. 1st at
Staples Center. He did have (some) comfort after
his epidural Shot on Nov. 12th, He turns 40 in Feb.
Winning against Golden State and Sacramento
gives us some more confidence and watching how
well Xavier Henry did also lent us some real hope.
There are 24 "away" games out of 36 so now we
shall watch and see how well we do when not at home.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Kobe is still going on with his rehab. & in fact
as of today he is in full practice to see just
how much strain his Achilles Heal tendon
can perhaps take. He is still being monitered
to see just where his comfort zone is. The Lakers
have not offered any time table on when Bryant will 
return in a game. The Lakers took Monday off following
their win the previous night against the Detroit  Pistons.
They do not play again until Friday against Golden
State and yes, that game also takes place at the
Staples this then gives Kobe three
days in which to practice so it is any one's guess if
he will be able to go out there on Friday to play
against the Warriors. Caution is a must right now.
Jordan Hill barely played for coach D'Antoni in
New York four years ago but once again they
are on the same team here in L.A. Hill had
career highs of 24 points and 17 rebounds
and Jodie Meeks and Nick Young scored 19 points
apiece in the Lakers' 114-99 victory over the
Detroit Pistons on Sunday night. Steve Blake
had 9 points and 16 assists and the Lakers
really seemed to come alive in the fourth quarter.
Former Laker Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has now
collaborated with the Los Angeles Unified School
District to fund "Camp Sky-hook", a 5 day overnight
camp in Arcadia at the Clear Creek Outdoor Ed-
ucation Center in Angeles National Forest. Jabbar
also donated $100,000.from his Skyhook Foundation
to the LAUSD on Sunday at the California STEM
Symposium in Sacramento. The STEM acronym
stands for science, technology,engineering and math.
These four tennets the camp will be teaching then
to underprivileged children throughout LAUSD.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Our Kobe is not giving the reporters what they wish to know.
At his locker the other day, he playfully told them he would be
ready again to play "tomorrow", but then replied that he really
has no true idea when he will feel fit enough to play again.
Yes, he is out at the practices and yes, he is far stronger, but 
that Achilles heal tendon requires more stretching still.
Pau Gasol met with his brother Marc Gasol out on the
Staples court and gave Memphis something to be quite
concerned about. During the entire game, and it was a fun 
one to see, but it was the Grizzlies that won it in the finale'.
Score? 89-86. To check with the Lakers blog you can
go to: (or) keep an eye out for this 
blogs posts. Here, just go to:
In order to follow the Lakers on the new iPad app, go to the
iTunes store and search for "inside the Lakers" for the
latest news, photos and features on the team.
The Grizzlies win over the Lakers on Friday night was
the first road victory for them of the season. Even with
their win, Memphis only made 8 of their 24 shots in the
second quarter and finished the game 43.5% from the 
field including 1-for-13 from the 3 point range.
At the end of the first quarter of the game, Kobe (in his
Lakers warm ups) came out on to the floor and presented a
$150.000 check from the club to representatives of the
Phillippine Red Cross following last week's deadly typhoon.
Although Kobe was seen once again out on the practice
floor, it is still pretty doubtful just when he will be returning
to full force with the team again. "If it were the play off's", Kobe 
stated, "I would be with the team out on the floor playing".
But, it is not the playoff's so he is trying to perfect the
balancing act between staying patient with his recovery
while staying motivated with what he called "the low-
hanging fruit" which surrounds the ongoing uncertainty
about his return. There is another game today (Sunday)
against Detroit at 6:30 and so we will really be trying hard
to do a good job with the Bigs showing up and us guarding
the rim. The game is being played at Staples Center.
Future games (including tonight) are:
Golden State (Friday) Sacramento (Sunday), plus the 
road games in Washington (Nov. 27) and Brooklyn (Nov. 28
right on Thanksgiving Day. So, eat hardy my friends but awake
from your nap to watch this game with us!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Oh yes! Our Lakers won last night at Staples
Center playing once again with the New Orleans
Pelicans. Score? 116-95. Steve Nash has had some
back problems so it will be at least another 2 weeks
before he will be allowed to be back out on the
courts to play. The Starters differed this game too.
Jordan Hill started in place of Chris Kaman to begin
with. Nick Young changed places for a bit as well.
Wesley Johnson was put out there as a surprise starter.
Jodie Meeks got a start at guard with Steve Nash's
back and hamstring issues. The Pelicans trounced
our Lakers, before nearly a week ago, in New Orleans.
Pau Gasol was frustrated by his slow start. He has
gone through the games whereby he has shot below
50 percent. He is such a talented guy and one of the 
most skilled men but lately it just has not been going
his way and it is most frustrating to him. We did have
to wince however when Minnesota won last Sunday
with such an overpowering tally at games end.
Minnesota ended their 22 game drought against us.
And then last evening up in the mile high city of Denver, 
we lost 111 - 99. Jordan Hill was great, however,
offering up 18 points on 6-of-11 shooting and 15
rebounds in his second consecutive start. It was a
night after temporarily eradicating his shooting
troubles for Gasol. He did continue to struggle by
filling the leadership void stemmed from the two
absences of namely Kobe Bryant and Steve Nash.
Anyway, this instability doesn't seem to be caused
by any lineup changes and we can only hope for
more games to come landing us in the winners' circle.
Babs Wells

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Oh my. Winning two games and then last evening?
The New Orleans Pelicans ahead, then behind, then
ahead once again and the final score? 96-85.
Chris Kaman played his heart out. Jordan Farmar
came onto the court and played with fervor.
Steve Nash sat on the bench clenching his hands
and I imagine wishing he were right out there to
play too. The newcomers, Wesley Johnson, 
Xavier Henry and Nick Young showed such promise.
Kaman had 16 points for L.A. Pau Gasol said of
Chris that he is a 'special player because he is
so athletic. He is able to block a shot on one end
and then sprint to the other end and get in a lay-up.
He seems to have a good shooting touch which 
does make for a very impressive man on court.
Steve Blake never appears to lose his cool and made
13 points as point guard. A really happy hero of the
game against the Houston Rockets had Steve Blake
making a crowd pleasing 3 pointer for the Lakers to win the 
game with the score of: 99-98. Nail biting time for sure!
The Lakers led by 17 points early in the second quarter
before Houston used a 13-5 spurt capped by 7 points
from Harden to cut the lead to 45-36 about 7 minutes
before half-time. The Lakers led at 64-50 then at half-time.
When we played Atlanta we won by 2 points even though
at one time we led by 21. These ending games give us
pause to wonder just what on earth is happening as
our energy levels ebb, to barely win or not win at all?
Well, we will get yet another chance to see where
our strength might topple our opponent  (mine and
our Lakers earlier home state) of Minnesota on
Sunday at Staples Center, 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


In the starting lineup, Xavier made 18
points. Later, he needed stitches for a cut.
However, he did step in where Nick Young
had earlier been. And Pau Gasol is now the
leader of the team with Kobe Bryant still out
nursing his injury and not sure just when
he will be able to return either. Pau made 2
free throws with 6.1 seconds to play and then
tied the game  allowing for a final win with the
score: 105-103. Thought sure we'd win as in
the first half we were 21 points ahead of the
Hawks. Staples Center was a sell-out with
18,997 fans watching since Lakers lost their
last game against San Antonio but won against
the Clippers at Staples for their first game this
season. Coach D'Antoni says that Xavier is a
good defender and although perhaps does not make
his shots the same way Nick Young does, he does get it.
Henry started and scored nine of his 18 points
in the first quarter. Young was the first player off the
bench and he scored 5 of his 13 points in opening
quarter. Gasol had 16 points and 13 rebounds and was
out on the floor at the end of the game with Jordan
Hill who pulled down a key offensive rebound of
Gasol's errant shot with about 17 seconds left.
Walt Bellamy, NBA center star, died Saturday at
age 74. He was an enormously gifted Hall of Fame
player who had tremendous impact on the game of
Basketball. this was the claim by NBA Commissioner
David Stern. "Off the court he was an even more|
extraordinary person. He is going to be missed by all
who had the pleasure of knowing him. On behalf of
the entire NBA family, our condolences and our thoughts
go out to the Bellamy family". Bellamy averaged 20.1 
points and 13.7 rebounds in 14 seasons in the NBA.
Our sincere condolences we send to Walt's family.
We will be playing tonight in Dallas at 5:30.
Babs Wells