Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Score? 116-111. Parts of the game
we matched and even got ahead some
but at the trail ending, Washington Wizards
outplayed us and we must own up to that.
Jordan Farmar made 22 points. His
sidekick Nick Young, although clowning
around off the courts and being fun to be
near, did his best on Tuesday night as well.
He did make 16 points, Steve Blake
made 15 points, Wes Johnson 11 points
and Jordan Hill made 10 points.
Pau Gason mentioned he may be 
likened to fine wine, getting better as
he "aged". Brazilian Pau is 31. Pau had
17 points playing against the D.C. team.
Tonight is another game being played.
It will be on earlier here in California, 
airing at 4:30 in the afternoon, and
is being played against Brooklyn at
Barclays Center.
Money? A mere $48 million dollar PLUS 
contract was offered to our star, Kobe Bryant, 
for the next two years. He then will have 
played for the purple and gold for a period 
of 20 years and will very likely be retiring 
after this contract is over with. 
He began his career at age 18 and a High
School 'er. His body has done its share of 
complaining through out these years, the 
latest problem being his Achilles heal tendon.
In practice he seems very able however and 
is looking forward to being in uniform and out 
there with his buddies playing his best.
His practices appear to be doing extremely 
well so after these next two games away 
from home it is very possible we will be seeing
him play again on Dec. 6th when we play 
against Sacramento. At any rate, we, 
in addition to his trainers, really do not want 
Kobe to try coming back to play until he is 
deemed ready.
Turkey Day tomorrow! 
May God Bless us all this Thanksgiving.
Babs Wells

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