Saturday, November 30, 2013


We won! Jordan FarmarNick Young, Pau
Gasol, all showed us their worth. Wesley
Johnson too is a player worth watching.
Even though we blew a large lead, we
managed to pull a winning game out of
the hat so to speak. It does look odd to
me to see Paul Pierce playing with a
totally different team other than Boston.
Our winning score was: 99-94.
Pau Gasol alone had 21 points. This
moved him ahead into second place on
the NBA's career list for points by a
European player. Chants were heard from
the stands as our Lakers came out onto the 
floor wearing their new black uniforms.
Nick Young scored a season high 26 points
to show such spark with the huge efforts
from the league's most productive bench.
Our victory on Wednesday over the Nets
at Barclay's Center also provided a case 
study on how they can morph from one identity
one night over another.
And once again, we can clap our hands to
thank Nick Young during Friday's game
against Detroit; another road trip for us.
Nursing a sprain on his ring finger of
his left hand, he still managed to sink
two free throws, having been fouled 
by Detroit's forward Josh Smith. Our
winning score for this last game played?
106-102. Friends, Jordan Farmar and Nick
Young go way back together when they were
students. Jordan made the statement that
he was going to say something a coach might 
not say, and that is that Nick Young won a
game on defense. Farmar himself helped
our Lakers when there was a 1-0 point fourth
quarter deficit by making a 3-pointer, a reverse
layup and a step-back jumper. We as Lakers
improved our road record to a 3-5, and won five
of our past 6 games. Now we can build and grow
with what we are doing.

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