Monday, November 25, 2013


Our players joined forces and we won our
last two games! Hopeful that once we do
get out there on the road, some of this
enthusiasm will be packed within the clothes
suitcases too so we can strut our stuff!
Pau Gasol said he would gladly donate
$1,000 for each point he made on Friday
to give the proceeds to the relief effort
for the horrid Phillippine storm. He made
24 points and therefore donated $24,000
and mentioned he hoped others would be
following suit for their own gifts of love
and caring for those poor victims and
their families. Nick Young was in good
form as was Jordan Hill. The entire team
seemed to be very unified and set on
winning. It was so much fun to watch.
Stu Lantz has had laryngitis so his
speaking voice was mum. Bill McDonald
was telling the viewers about his earlier
days with Chic Hearn and pictures of
them together brought back memories.
Stu's deep voice almost mesmerizes you
when he is speaking and describing the plays.
He is announcer for our NBA Lakers
in his 27th season now. James Worthy
filled in for Stu along with Bill doling play
by play. Stu missed 3 games back in
2009 when he took time off  while his
wife recovered from surgery. In other years
he skipped games to attend his mothers'
funeral and his daughters' college graduation.
This then was the first time he missed a game
because of health issues. Another note
of mention is that fans brought in books
that were gently used to donate to a local
charity in honor of Chic Hearn, former broadcaster.
Back soreness kept Chris Kaman off the courts
so that he could heal. In fact he was out for 2 games.
Kobe Bryant is still in a process of recovering from
his Achilles heal tendon surgery. Coach D'Antoni
stated that it is timing, conditioning and many other
things that fall into play for healing and that he
chooses to not hurry Kobe back into uniform until
he deems he is more ready to tackle playing.
Steve Blake and Pau Gasol talked about the plays
Kobe has made though in practice and that he
looked good and they were quite surprised.
D'Antoni also talked some about Steve Blake's
hustling his plays and although not super tall,
he runs fast and dunks shots and never seems
to flinch doing so at every single possibility.
He has brought some relative backcourt stability
while both Nash and Bryant heal up. Steve Nash
does seem to be doing some better. He traveled to
Vancouver with personal trainer Rick Celebrini
but will return to L.A. next weekend before L.A.
hosts the Portland Trail Blazers on Dec. 1st at
Staples Center. He did have (some) comfort after
his epidural Shot on Nov. 12th, He turns 40 in Feb.
Winning against Golden State and Sacramento
gives us some more confidence and watching how
well Xavier Henry did also lent us some real hope.
There are 24 "away" games out of 36 so now we
shall watch and see how well we do when not at home.

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