Monday, December 30, 2013


Difficult for the bench to fill in adequately but
boy, they surely have tried! Nick Young with
his 3's and Jordan Farmar at the line.
Chris Kaman filling in wherever the
Coach asks him to play. Xavier Henry now
sidelined too with a sprain, at least that is
what the MRI shows us. Nothing broken anyway.
The will and determination dominated the
game and we cheer the team on for sure.
Friday's game with the Utah Jazz was a very
close one to call with the ending score:
105-103. Most industrious group of players
we have with our Lakers who are eager to win.
There were 16 ties in that game too, by the
way, and 14 lead changes. Nick Young had 
21 points. He stated he felt somewhat 
disappointed with how the ref's did on a few calls. 
Meeks made a 3 pointer which tied at 99-99.
They then had only 2:47 minutes left to play.
The game tied up once again at: 103-103.
Jordan Farmar had 16 points and 7 assists.
We lost the game but gained respect.
'Tis a shame we lost the following game as
well, to the Philadelphia 76'ers. Another close
one with final score at: 111-104. Xavier Henry 
had to leave the court with his strained right knee. 
We committed 20 turnovers during this game and 
it is too bad that Williams missed a 26 ft. 3-pointer 
which then could have tied up the game with 1
8 seconds left to play. Having Steve Nash out (back), 
Kobe Bryant out (left knee), Steve Blake out (elbow)
and Pau Gasol out temporarily (respiratory),
our roster is hurting..Losing 5 games in a
row is difficult to get around but our teams
efforts certainly do show the desire to be
the very best that we can be with the shots and 
plays that have been instrumented.
Nick Young had 20 points, Jordan Hill 18 points, 
Jodie Meeks 15 points and Shawne Williams 
11 points. This then shows the efforts of the last 
game we played. We now go on to play against 
Milwaukee on Tuesday.
Babs Wells

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Seems our Lakers had good coaching on
Christmas day. Coach Mike D'Antoni and
our own Kobe Bryant. Must have too because
our players did a super job at Staples vs.
The Miami Heat. Scores reflected their efforts.
Anticipation ran high as we played our hearts
out. The baskets were good and not only were
we ahead many times but we tied them a great
deal as well. Pau Gasol and Jordan Farmar
passed the ball well as the pro's that they are.
Jodie Meeks, Nick Young and Xavier Henry
also wearing the Christmas colors, were indeed 
"Swaggy" with their smiles reflecting their game.
LaBron James was seen shaking his head at
times It would appear in disbelief. In the end
the Heat won the game. Score: 101-95.
Still, it was one game that held our attention
and gave us real pleasure in watching.
The next game Lakers team plays is on Friday
with Utah at the Energy Solutions Arena.
Gasol was saying that the team needs to
build on this same intensity, effort and of
course, concentration that was put into this
last game played at Staples. Also, it is noted 
that we must not fall back into bad habits.
The Lakers shot only 41.8 percent and
had 17 turnovers, five more than the Heat.
Henry's layup early in the fourth quarter
gave the Lakers an 81-79 lead.
Young's jumper with 8.25 left on the clock
tied the game up 83-83. It would appear
that even though we did eventually lose
this last game, overall, we have made
a step forward in fact with our plays. This 
does certainly seem to hasten our re-emergence.
Friday then in Utah. Looking forward to it.
Babs Wells

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


An injured team. Right now it is Christmas eve.
Tomorrow we play against the Miami Heat.
Those of us that are believers, have hopes
and even some of us have prayers. Kobe out
until he feels able to rejoin his teammates.
Injured with a fracture just above his left knee.
Nash still checking with doctors to hopefully be
able to be the point guard he is so good at being.
Blake sitting there with his elbow bandaged and
unable to even throw a ball unless he is using
his other arm, Farmar quizzing himself about
how able he thinks he may have from the
hamstring problems. Each young man in a world
of hurt, a world only they can see through. Even
Pau still coughing, tried his best last night against
the Phoenix Suns. Not enough. Xavier Henry scored
12 points and collected as many fouls (three) as
field goals (3-of-12). It gets to the point with these
young players that each one almost feels  he has to
do it by himself. It is like if somebody does a one-
on-one, someone else feels like the next time, it
would be their turn. Nick young stated that each of
them has to learn how to share the ball and just
keep the ball moving. With a much smaller lineup,
Shawne Williams at power forward over Jordan Hill
was trying to offset the Suns' wide spread offense.
The Lakers trailed by only four points after the
first quarter. However a 17-point third quarter
quickly ballooned into a 90-68 deficit going into
the fourth quarter. In a sequence that captured
the game's horrid play, Suns made a dunk and
Hill missed a layup on consecutive possessions.
Mondays' game ended with score of:117-90.
Gifts underneath the tree? glasses of egg-nog
waiting to sip? Grandma's cookies to taste?
Songs to be sung? What a glorious time of the
year no matter the weather or even injuries
to muddle through, we take heart that as a team,
our Lakers are unified in spirit and as always we
are awaiting that very next game. Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 22, 2013


So many cheers at Staples Center when we
played vs. Minnesota. The Timberwolves
were good, but gratefully we did win the game. 
Jack Nicholson cheered the most I do believe.
Did you get to see Pau grinning and waving
his long arms down with Nick Young? Fun to see.
The score was: 104-91. Xavier Henry was a player
to contend with too and even with the point guards
injuries, our Lakers team did their job well. In fact,
Henry shot 8-for-19 and had four assists in 42
minutes. With Steve Nash battling issues with
his nerves in his back, Steve Blake nursing his
injured elbow, Jordan Farmar still unsure about
his hamstring and Kobe Bryant now curbing
his endeavors with the fracture right above his
left knee, Pau, bothered with upper respiratory
problems, did still hit the courts to play the game.
Not quite so lucky for the following game how-
ever, playing in Oakland against Golden State.
For the first half of the game it was looking
pretty good and seemed that even with the
newcomer on the floor, Kendall Marshall,
Coach D'Antoni kept the faith. Chris Kaman
helped a whole lot but even with Pau ill and
absent from the roster, it became pretty grim.
The Lakers really cannot fault their own effort.
Their fortunes could change as early as Monday
when they visit the Phoenix Suns. With such
a depleted cast, it will have to take a great deal
of effort and unity to pull another win. The
Oakland game was one that had us at an
all time low score, which was: 102-83.
Not to go off blubbering in your cola yet though,
we just might be able to do better in Arizona.
Babs Wells

Friday, December 20, 2013


By now the word is out. No Kobe to play tonight
at Staples against Minnesota and in fact will probably
be on the side-lines for 4-6 weeks depending on
how fast his fractured left knee heals. It is actually
a fracture right above the knee that got hurt while
the team was in Memphis. An MRI divulged the
injury after Kobe thought perhaps he had merely
hyper-extended his knee which is more common.
Steve Nash will also remain out with back issues.
It will very likely be another 4 weeks for him to
recuperate as well, and Steve Blake is nursing an
elbow that usually is far more prevalent for an
injury in tennis but somehow became a problem
for him playing basketball. Before I continue
here, I have meant to share some thing with all
of you too. On December 6tth, my oldest Grand-
son Ryan and his Emily became parents to a
lovely little girl they have named Lenna Elizabeth.
Congratulations to each one of you.
My youngest daughter, WenDee, has always been
able to do the posting of my articles but her
computer failed her so my granddaughter
Heather, posted my last article. WenDee has
now borrowed a laptop so looks like we may
be back in business. My ailing husband, Wes,
is doing mighty well these days recently so
with our Christmas season upon us, we sigh
in grateful joy over each one of the above.
The road trip for our Lakers really did take
some fine tuning in plays. Some games were
back to back as well which made it harder.
Jordan Farmar, with hamstring problems,
ought to be back on the court either today
or this next Sunday. The Lakers will be hosting
a game on Christmas Day to play against the
Miami Heat .Kurt Rambis (Assistant Lakers Coach)
has plenty of work to do revamping a defense 
that ranks second to last in the NBA.
Although with Kobe's long 3 shot, we won in
Memphis, we lost in Atlanta against the
Hawks 114-100. Pau's brother, Marc, was not
on the floor in Memphis, also on injured list.
Lakers Robert Sacre, Jordan Hill, Xavier Henry,
Nick Young and Wesley Johnson have added
to our Roster with game plans and exuberance.
Pau stated that as a team, we have to make sure
we stay in motion. If we play inside-out, then it
is always a positive. Tonight: @ Staples vs. Minnesota.
Babs Wells

Monday, December 16, 2013


Even with a back to back game it became "iffy", but we lost first one and won second one. Seeing Derek Fisher and Kobe Bryant in an embrace was worth it all. Having been team mates for so many years as Lakers it was with mixed emotion to now view Derek playing on the O.K. City team. Pau was in a huddle with the two of them also and we do fully understand, we as their fans. Playing against the Thunder was quite an interesting game to see but they won it and sadly we didn't. Score: 122-97. With probably little sleep and onward then to Charlotte, we again suited up and played against the Bobcats. Kobe was in fine form and strutted his stuff, enough to give us a winning game, making 21 points! He stated that it was ever so great to be feeling his legs minding him so well and he played for 32 minutes. The reserves did very well. Robert Sacre and Jordan Hill are credited for their defense and Nick Young helped a whole lot making 13 points himself. The Lakers bench shot a combined 6 of 25 from the field. Bryant though secured the  victory late in the game snapping their three-game losing streak to improve their road trip record to 5-5. Winning score:88-85. Now on Monday we will be trying for a win at 4:30 West Coast time against Atlanta. Great weather right here so maybe the Atlanta Court will favor us as well. We shall see!
Babs Wells

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Losses do come to those who wait.....right?
But eventually a win or two in the offing too?
Hope so. The last two games have had our
star, Kobe playing with the Laker team but
only for about 20+ minutes or so and coach
D'Antoni had him playing point guard so Steve
Blake had to play at totally different roles.
For reconstruction of a vital tendon along with
the rehabilitation process, it usually does take
about a year and our Kobe came back out on
the court after only an 8 month period of time.
Lakers fans are still with Kobe all the way.
We lost to Toronto though: 106-94.
Back in 2006, we not only won over Toronto
but applause was loud and full when Kobe
made 77 points, those years back. Younger
then and it shows with all the following injuries.
We then played at Staples Center last night against
the Phoenix Suns. Mike D'Antoni's former team.
Our offense is still the same, although strengths
and weaknesses are a little different along
with adjustments being made on the court
and on the fly. Defensively, we have some
shoring up to do but are also busy trying to
coexist with Bryants' presence on the floor.
Nick Young was very aggressive which is good.
We've also noticed the plays being made by
Xavier Henry. Steve Nash (back), Jordan Farmar
(hamstring) plus the absence of Chris Kaman,
has hobbled us somewhat in our performances.
Within 5 nights and 4 games away from home
coming up, we will have to produce as best we can.
Friday it will be in Oklahoma City, Then in Charlotte
on Saturday, Atlanta on Monday and following
day on Tuesday in Memphis, so it will be a hard week.
The score from last night was: Phoenix 114, Lakers: 108.
This is a very noteworthy week for this writer as, my
husband Wes & I celebrate 33 years of marriage on
December the 13th. Friday the 13th in fact.
Am most grateful for each one of you and for this
dear man that found me at a square dance all
those years ago. Now on to better scores ahead?!
Babs Wells

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Sacramento Kings and L.A. Lakers. Up at 
Sleep Train Arena, we used the bench
and they came forth with winning shots.
Pau Gasol, Jodie Meeks and Nick Young
forced Sacramento to score and
three turnovers in the final six minutes.
Meeks capped a team-leading 19 points
on 7 of 11 shooting by hitting an open
3-pointer to cut the Kings' lead 97-96
with 2:43 remaining. Gasol followed with
a 20-ft. Jumper at the top of the key two
minutes later for a 98-97 lead, adding 
respectability to a 19-point effort on only
6-of 15 shooting. More timely jumpers
from Meeks and Young ensured the Lakers
(10-9) staying above the 500 mark.
Steve Blake added 13 points and 10 assists.
Wesley Johnson stole the ball from McLemore 
Final score was: 106-100.
Now all the while Lakers are expecting to be
given quite a boost this coming Sunday, when
they play Toronto at Staples Center in L.A, as
our own Kobe Bryant has indicated that he
indeed will be returning in full uniform to play.
Granted, his minutes will very likely be lessened
although with his face far more visible, it will with-
out a doubt help alleviate some players not
being all that they possibly could be. With Kobe
being such a driving force, it should be noted that 
all players will be counting on Kobe to again lead.
Kobe spent this whole last week increasing his
work load. Although patience and care will be
taken when playing, Kobe remains our leader and
will have to be making the determination on
how many minutes he feels he can play Sunday.
Kobe is always up to the challenge so he will motivate
his defender to go at him to give him a rough time.
Being challenged is what it seems to be what its all about.
Despite his limitations, Bryant has still exerted his
influences and earlier even treated the entire team
to a full Thanksgiving dinner in Detroit.
Speaking of food, are you aware that at Papa John's 
there is a Game Day Deal? You can get 50% off 
regular menu price pizzas' on all Lakers regular season 
game days! Go to online code: Lakers50. 
Babs Wells

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Granted, back home on Staples Center courts
yet in the very first quarter, our Lakers lagged
behind by so many points it was a guessing
game whether or not we would ever catch up.
Finally we boosted our points and even tied
the Portland Trail Blazers and applied our
talents off the bench to go ahead by a couple
points and continued in this vein for the first
half of the game. It still seems impossible to 
relate but yes, Portland did score more points
than we seemed able to do last night.
Losing score:114-108.
At one time we even rallied after obtaining
a 20 point deficit .Note Jordan Farmar limped
off the court after the first quarter from straining
his left hamstring. Chris Kaman did dress for
play but was not actually in last nights' game.
Xavier Henry is a player to watch and he
along with Sacre, and Nick Young, scored 17
points. The Lakers player however that we all
will be watching closely is Wesley Johnson.
He is a most intelligent young man and appears
to know his worth playing the game of basketball.
Coach D'Antoni made the comments " I did not
think we fought hard enough through adversity,
I did not think that we were tough enough, and I
did not think there was enough resistance
defensively." Henry did boast a career high
of 27 points and Shawne Williams closed 
out the game.
Kobe Bryant is hopeful to be able to join his
teammates on Friday when we play Sacramento.
That game will be taking place at 7:00 at Sleep
Train Arena. Patience, Kobe, and best wishes.