Tuesday, December 24, 2013


An injured team. Right now it is Christmas eve.
Tomorrow we play against the Miami Heat.
Those of us that are believers, have hopes
and even some of us have prayers. Kobe out
until he feels able to rejoin his teammates.
Injured with a fracture just above his left knee.
Nash still checking with doctors to hopefully be
able to be the point guard he is so good at being.
Blake sitting there with his elbow bandaged and
unable to even throw a ball unless he is using
his other arm, Farmar quizzing himself about
how able he thinks he may have from the
hamstring problems. Each young man in a world
of hurt, a world only they can see through. Even
Pau still coughing, tried his best last night against
the Phoenix Suns. Not enough. Xavier Henry scored
12 points and collected as many fouls (three) as
field goals (3-of-12). It gets to the point with these
young players that each one almost feels  he has to
do it by himself. It is like if somebody does a one-
on-one, someone else feels like the next time, it
would be their turn. Nick young stated that each of
them has to learn how to share the ball and just
keep the ball moving. With a much smaller lineup,
Shawne Williams at power forward over Jordan Hill
was trying to offset the Suns' wide spread offense.
The Lakers trailed by only four points after the
first quarter. However a 17-point third quarter
quickly ballooned into a 90-68 deficit going into
the fourth quarter. In a sequence that captured
the game's horrid play, Suns made a dunk and
Hill missed a layup on consecutive possessions.
Mondays' game ended with score of:117-90.
Gifts underneath the tree? glasses of egg-nog
waiting to sip? Grandma's cookies to taste?
Songs to be sung? What a glorious time of the
year no matter the weather or even injuries
to muddle through, we take heart that as a team,
our Lakers are unified in spirit and as always we
are awaiting that very next game. Merry Christmas!

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