Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Losses do come to those who wait.....right?
But eventually a win or two in the offing too?
Hope so. The last two games have had our
star, Kobe playing with the Laker team but
only for about 20+ minutes or so and coach
D'Antoni had him playing point guard so Steve
Blake had to play at totally different roles.
For reconstruction of a vital tendon along with
the rehabilitation process, it usually does take
about a year and our Kobe came back out on
the court after only an 8 month period of time.
Lakers fans are still with Kobe all the way.
We lost to Toronto though: 106-94.
Back in 2006, we not only won over Toronto
but applause was loud and full when Kobe
made 77 points, those years back. Younger
then and it shows with all the following injuries.
We then played at Staples Center last night against
the Phoenix Suns. Mike D'Antoni's former team.
Our offense is still the same, although strengths
and weaknesses are a little different along
with adjustments being made on the court
and on the fly. Defensively, we have some
shoring up to do but are also busy trying to
coexist with Bryants' presence on the floor.
Nick Young was very aggressive which is good.
We've also noticed the plays being made by
Xavier Henry. Steve Nash (back), Jordan Farmar
(hamstring) plus the absence of Chris Kaman,
has hobbled us somewhat in our performances.
Within 5 nights and 4 games away from home
coming up, we will have to produce as best we can.
Friday it will be in Oklahoma City, Then in Charlotte
on Saturday, Atlanta on Monday and following
day on Tuesday in Memphis, so it will be a hard week.
The score from last night was: Phoenix 114, Lakers: 108.
This is a very noteworthy week for this writer as, my
husband Wes & I celebrate 33 years of marriage on
December the 13th. Friday the 13th in fact.
Am most grateful for each one of you and for this
dear man that found me at a square dance all
those years ago. Now on to better scores ahead?!
Babs Wells

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