Friday, December 20, 2013


By now the word is out. No Kobe to play tonight
at Staples against Minnesota and in fact will probably
be on the side-lines for 4-6 weeks depending on
how fast his fractured left knee heals. It is actually
a fracture right above the knee that got hurt while
the team was in Memphis. An MRI divulged the
injury after Kobe thought perhaps he had merely
hyper-extended his knee which is more common.
Steve Nash will also remain out with back issues.
It will very likely be another 4 weeks for him to
recuperate as well, and Steve Blake is nursing an
elbow that usually is far more prevalent for an
injury in tennis but somehow became a problem
for him playing basketball. Before I continue
here, I have meant to share some thing with all
of you too. On December 6tth, my oldest Grand-
son Ryan and his Emily became parents to a
lovely little girl they have named Lenna Elizabeth.
Congratulations to each one of you.
My youngest daughter, WenDee, has always been
able to do the posting of my articles but her
computer failed her so my granddaughter
Heather, posted my last article. WenDee has
now borrowed a laptop so looks like we may
be back in business. My ailing husband, Wes,
is doing mighty well these days recently so
with our Christmas season upon us, we sigh
in grateful joy over each one of the above.
The road trip for our Lakers really did take
some fine tuning in plays. Some games were
back to back as well which made it harder.
Jordan Farmar, with hamstring problems,
ought to be back on the court either today
or this next Sunday. The Lakers will be hosting
a game on Christmas Day to play against the
Miami Heat .Kurt Rambis (Assistant Lakers Coach)
has plenty of work to do revamping a defense 
that ranks second to last in the NBA.
Although with Kobe's long 3 shot, we won in
Memphis, we lost in Atlanta against the
Hawks 114-100. Pau's brother, Marc, was not
on the floor in Memphis, also on injured list.
Lakers Robert Sacre, Jordan Hill, Xavier Henry,
Nick Young and Wesley Johnson have added
to our Roster with game plans and exuberance.
Pau stated that as a team, we have to make sure
we stay in motion. If we play inside-out, then it
is always a positive. Tonight: @ Staples vs. Minnesota.
Babs Wells

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