Monday, October 19, 2015


First of all, it has been reported in the media but will
add some notes here today as well. Former Lakers
Star in NBA, Lamar Odom, has been steadily
recovering from his fall from grace when found
unconscious in Nevada after having evidently
absorbed in his body heavy drugs. He could neither
talk nor see or breathe on his own. He now is awake
and even has been making some eye contact,
Dr's also have taken him off his breathing tubes.
Granted, he is far from well but is now making strides
toward more optimum health. That is good news for
us all. The Lakers felt he was actually part of their family.
He lost his mother when just age 12 and his father
was a drug addict so it wasn't an easy childhood for
him. One of his babies died at a very early age as well.
We, as basketball fans wish Lamar well and our prayers
are with him as they are too for his family. 

Kobe Bryant had an injury to his leg so opted out of
playing in San Diego on Saturday evening against
the Golden State Warriors. I for one, enjoyed seeing
Luke Walton again. He's a coach now with Warriors.
Seems the court in San Diego fell short of being
a solid surface with players skidding around, falling
down and feeling the floor quite slippery while playing.
They tried to fix the court flooring at one point during half
time but then into the third quarter it remained a problem 
and rather than risk players in pre-season to maybe
become hurt, they decided to call off the game.
Our Lakers were 15 points ahead anyway & there remained
only 15 more minutes of play left but  crowd was not happy.
Ron Artest (Metta World Peace) made the statement
"We almost killed ourselves out there" and then said
"That floor was bad. It was brutal. I am sure the building
manager will be getting a lot of criticism but hopefully 
he will not be losing his job"
Still, Jordan Clarkson posted a team-leading 17 points.
Point guard Marcelo Huertas made his NBA debut with
10 points after missing the last 5 exhibitions because
of a strained right hamstring. While there appears to be
quite a lot of hoopla over Julius Randle (and partially correct)
and also D'Angelo Russell, this writer was mighty taken
last night with Nick Young's 3 point plays. To me, it seemed
he has made a big splash in his return to play. All in all, with
the game having been shut down 5 times, the game itself
was a shocker that our team surely did so well. Lotsa fun.

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