Saturday, October 10, 2015


Three games so far..first over in Honolulu
against the Utah Jazz and it IS SAD even
playing in OT we seem to lose, Last night
we played the Raptors in Toronto and lost.
Randle is doing well though, as is Nick Young
and our Kobe too. Ron Artest (World Peace)
played last evening and that tall Hibbert did too.
We just have to maintain a good attitude and
try harder it would appear. D'Angelo Russell
stayed out of the game due to a fall he took which
gave him a bruised glute. Another absentee
player was Marcelo Huertas. He is finalizing
his immigration papers in Vancouver. He is
from Brazil. Brandon Bass injured his knee
on Tuesday but it evidently was not bad
enough to keep him off the courts.
Randle was doing well as I said and 
made 16 points on 7 of 12 shooting 
with 5 rebounds and 4 assists, plus 3 steals 
in Tuesday's game. There were signs of growth
during Thursdays' game with Jordan Clarkson's
continued showcasing his growth even though the
Lakers still seem to lack two things through ex-
hibition play. They have yet to pick up a win,
we already know, plus they really do need
to have a far healthier lineup. They played
against the Raptors at Citizens Business
Bank Arena in Toronto on Thursday evening.
Kobe Bryant posted 16 points on a 5 of 11
shooting with 3 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 steals
and 2 turnovers in 22 minutes, marking the 
latest stop in showing he can play efficiently
nine months after having season-ending
right shoulder surgery. Coach Byron Scott
said that he was feeling good about Bryant within
an 18 to 22 minute threshold. 
Keep up the good work Kobe & please, no more major injuries.
We look forward to future games & with players on the mend.

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