Sunday, November 1, 2015


Well, first game of the season playing against the
Minnesota Timberwolves, we lost but by only one
point. Second game of this new season? Dare
I chance mentioning it? We played  against the
Sacramento Kings and at first we seemed to
be holding our own. Scores reflected that.
But as time went on, it became pretty sad to
watch our players, try though they did, keep falling
so far behind. The final score was:132-114.
Wondering if on Sunday evening we might
be able to redeem ourselves. We will be
playing against the Dallas Mavericks and
playing in L.A. at Staples Center. With today
to recoup let us hope that they will come forth
and show us how they can buck up and get 
the job done as we all hoped that they would.

On this coming Saturday, in Minneapolis,
there will be a service for Minnesota coach,
Flip Saunders, age 60 who died last Sunday.
He had Hodgkins lymphoma. Former man
on his team from 2003-05 was Mark Madsen
and he will be there attending the services.
Flip, really liked by so many was a straight
arrow and a helper to those he knew always.
Also, we see by the paper, that former Hall
of Famer, Mel Daniels, of the Indiana Pacers,
has died at the age of 71.. He was the ABA's
MVP in 1968-69 and in 1970-71. He was
inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2012.
His # 34 jersey has now been retired.
Also noted is that we have lost Neal Walk, 
age 67. He was a rebounding star for Phoenix
and Florida.. In fact he grabbed more rebounds
at the U. of Florida than anyone else in the 
basketball program's history and became
an effective center for the Phoenix Suns in
the early years of franchise. He died Oct. 4th.
R.I.P. men. I know sports fans will miss you.

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