Sunday, November 22, 2015


It is not always an easy thing to do is it? We have lost
so many games and we are trying so hard to win.
Even having our Kobe out on the floor last eve. did
not seem to help in the long run. I cannot help but
wonder some why our coach is not playing Sacre more 
and also Hueras (unsure if spelling here is correct.)
I do see that Ron Artest (MWP) and Lou Williams
have been on the courts as well as Larry Nance, Jr.
and that is good I do believe. Jordan Clarkson has
really been a good player as have Julius Randle and
D'Angelo Russell. Somehow the endings of games
being played are what appears to be part of our problem.
Are they just plainly not getting enough motivation
or are their legs tiring? Anyway, Sunday we lost
the game with end scoring against Toronto Raptors
being 102-91.
The game prior to this one was also a losing game.
We played the Phoenix Suns and lost by ending
score of: 120-101.
Somehow these losing scores just have to
finally give way to a few victories for us.
Kobe did not take part in the Phoenix game.
Russell posted only 9 points on 3-of-9 
shooting, 2 rebounds and 2 assists. 
Randle had 4 points on 1-of-5 shooting
5 rebounds and 4 fouls. Neither player
made a field goal until midway through
the fourth quarter.
Lou Williams is an NBA 10-year veteran.
He signed on with the Lakers last summer 
to a three year $21 Mil. deal.
 He made the statement that there will be 
stretches where shots just are not going to fall.

Our rookie team makes our Lakers notice there
has to be an adjustment and players have to
find their rhythm & begin to become more efficient.
I see there are Birthdays' to report on..., namely:
Broadcaster & sports Mogul, Ted Turner turned
71 on November 19th. and also Basketball Hall
of Fame, Earl Monroe turned 71 as of today.
So now we shall play on Sunday again. This
game will be with the Portland Trail Blazers.
Let's all hope that we win this one.

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