Monday, November 30, 2015



Yes, now it is true, that our Kobe Bryant has let
us all know his wheels have pretty much fallen
off and with this current season ending, 2016
he will bid farewell after a very determined 20
years as a Laker for the NBA. He came aboard
at age 17 in 1996 and faithfully ran up and down
those courts with the fans urging him on always.
The past two seasons have not been as we'd 
wished them to be and the season we are now
in is not turning out very good either for us.
And so, retirement seems to be the popular
trend right now for Kobe and for this writer
doing this blog as well. Having just turned age
85, I too am hanging it up after this season.
I have been doing this ever since Feb. 2010
and with other missions on my plate it seems
that I feel it only right to move forward too.
We all wish Kobe the very best & yes, he
will show us all that he is still around
I am sure. I know for one thing, he is hoping
to play in the 2016 Olympics and may do so.

Losing games has become a norm and
not happily so either. Losing to the Golden State
Warriors and losing to the Portland Trailblazers
as well, set us in the ranks of non-victors.
Byron Scott (Lakers coach) made the statement
"I remember so well when we were winning
nearly every night. and I think once it's over
you look back and realize how much fun it was".
and "One thing coach Pat Riley would not
let us do is live on what we just did the night
before." And so the banter went on remembering.
Yes, our Lakers used to be in "Showtime"
and it was an era we shall not soon forget.
In fact, Kobe, at age 17, was only 13th
over-all pick back in 1996.
He went on to win 5 Championships and
has third place standing on League's
all-time scoring Lakers list. He  even won
two U.S. Olympic Gold Medals.

Thank you from our hearts Kobe for giving
us your all. They packed the stadiums just
to get the chance to see you play and we
are all the better for having you a Laker.

Now on Tuesday. we will be playing against
the '76'ers at  4:00 p.m.
Our last game we lost by only 4 points so
that in itself shows our young players are
in accord and trying hard to be more 
unified so it bodes well for us, I think.

November 24th. Basketball Hall of
Famer Oscar Robertson turned 77.
Also at age 83, former New Mexico
Basketball coach, Norm Ellenberger
has died. His demise came on Nov.
14th. so we bid him goodbye  & R.I.P.

BABS wells

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