Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Decisions and Changes

Changes..they are inevitable for each one of
us and yet they cause us to feel a little concerned
when they do happen. Example here would be
about the decisions made by coach Phil Jackson
to continue on coaching our Laker team. He stated
when asked recently that he did not ever want to
have to quit midstream like coach George Karl did
last season coaching the Denver Nuggets. George
had cancer so was forced to undergo chemotherapy
and radiation and was "benched" during the process.
Our coach Phil Jackson has two replaced hips and
a sore knee requiring he wear a brace under his suit
and also has suffered awhile back with a heart problem.
So it is with concern he is hesitating taking upon him-
self the duties of head coach for another year (or) ought
he begin to consider retiring now? He turns 65 in September
and to take on another 82 game regular season may prove
to be far too much on his body. The Lakers 43 yr. old
Brian Shaw, 14 yr. NBA veteran with no head coaching
experience is being considered for the position, should it
come to that, replacing Phil Jackson. Tonight at 9:01 PDT
is the possible turning point for some decisions to make on
several items of interest. Derek Fisher then becomes an
unrestricted free agent. Jordan Farmar will have to weigh
his options to remain a Laker or go seek another team to
play with. The Lakers payroll of $91.4 million was the
highest in the NBA last season. Team owner Jerry Buss
would certainly like to lessen that number if at all possible.
Andrew Bynum, injured 22 yr. old Laker player, could even
be placed with the Canadian team & that is only speculation.
Shannon Brown is also thinking about signing on elsewhere.
Back court Lakers are the main concern and of course the
tending to the famous triangle plays will be subject for any
client probabilities, along with choices for any new coach.
Changes..they are inevitable but now as of July
and see what transforms for our Laker team.
Babs Wells

Monday, June 28, 2010

R and R time for our Lakers right now but I see
that Kobe Bryant took some time off to travel
to Rustenburg, South Africa to attend the World
round of 16 soccer match.
Also, our beloved Basketball legend, John
Wooden was well remembered when a spotlight
shone down on the Nell and John Wooden court
Saturday as a memorial for the renowned former
UCLA basketball coach took place.
John Wooden's "pyramid of success" was told
at the podium by those who knew him best.
So many changes for us all to the
replacement of top command in Afghanistan from
having the ousting of McChrystal & the establishment
of new command with Gen. David Petraeus.
We have many events to ponder other than considering this
coming October as we again root for our Laker team.
Like, for example the passing of a wise older gentleman.
We have just lost U.S. Dep't. Senator Robert Byrd.
An eloquent speaker and a most noble man. We also
see that Thomas Frost, (creator of 1967 "Officer
Friendly") has died. These two men will both be
sorely missed.
Back on the Laker trail, I wonder how many of us
really realized that Derek Fisher is NBA president?
He leads the Players Association and also is Community
Ambassador. Derek, our 6 ft.1inch forward has written
a book titled: "Character Driven".
He is involved in helping charitable causes for assisting
families affected by cancer of the eye as well. This is called
"retinoblastoma". Magic Johnson wrote a forward in
Derek's book noting "Here is a man dedicated and sincere
that has both integrity and passion". Yes, we who have
followed his career are well aware of this.
That is precisely why we wait with bated breath for the
news that Derek (free agent now) is signing up to remain
on our winning Laker team.
In case any of you care to find out more regarding the
Lakers, I suggest that you seek out another writers blog.
Just go to:
Written by Elliot Teaford.
Until later then, I am......
Babs Wells

Friday, June 25, 2010

John Wooden

Former Basketball Coach John Wooden
Memorial Services celebrating his life
are scheduled for 11:00 A.M. Saturday
at Pauley Pavilion, lasting about 90 minutes.
Broadcast is to be live on Prime Ticket &
streamed live at
Approximately 6,000 seats in Pauley Pavilion
& upper levels will be available to the public
on a general admission basis. Doors open at
9 a.m. and no overnight camping is allowed.
Public attending services enter through Intramural
Field & staged there until doors of the Pavilion
open. Entrance to Intramural Field from E. at
Wilson Plaza between John Wooden Center &
the N. Athletic Field. No one is then to leave or
they risk losing their place in line. Portable toilets
will be available.Food and Drink allowed outside
of the Pauley Pavilion but not any brought inside.
No portable chairs, strollers or balloons allowed.
For those not admitted inside the pavilion the service
will be shown live on video boards in Drake Stadium
adjacent to the Pauley Pavilion.
A fitting tribute will be paid to this wonderful man so
everyone that had the opportunity to be part of his career
will honor him at this time. Disabled will be allowed and
directed where to park and/or where to be let off too.
Please though be reminded that this is a memorial service
and no cameras will be allowed.
Babs Wells

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jordan Farmar

Points of interest..first of all, our Lakers other guard,
Jordan Farmar, with his 3pt's. baskets, when Derek
sat out, is very likely going to be leaving us.
Playing basketball in Woodland Hills, CA for Taft
High School, he then went on to play college ball
in Westwood.He becomes a restricted free agent
at the end of this month. The 6 ft. 2 point guard with
the Laker team may well be coming to an end.
Farmar has chafed under the Lakers triangle system
rather than use the pick-and-roll that most other teams
seem to use. It just has not seemed quite a good fit.
Farmar was first drafted out of the 26th. overall pick
out of UCLA in 2006. His career is at a changing peak
right now so we shall wait it out and watch to see just
how he handles it.
On a far different note, the newspaper gave us something
else to think about during our basketball off season.
Algae..what all is it really good for? There is actually an algae car!
A Prius automobile is using alternative fuel use with being run on algae!
It seems we are far too dependent on oil and must begin as a nation
to look into future findings to fuel our cars. Already the innovative use
of liquefied gas for our city bus fleet and also compressed natural gas use
shows our future will not be as dependent on oil to run our auto's.
And so, our future is to be far different for many generations to come
and of course for our Laker team with alterations happening. Jordan Farmar
may go away from us and that change will be hard to take but we wish him well all the same.
Babs Wells

Monday, June 21, 2010

Double Decker buses, fire department, scores of
police stationed all along parade route and here
they were assembled holding their trophy high for
all to see, our proud Laker team, friends, fans and
the families of our Laker team were right
alongside them grinning with glee..we won! We
actually defeated the green Boston Celtics in a very
hard won game. Two in a row now..and looking forward
to making it three for next season. With our team so
united in their efforts it paid off big time. The crowd
was electric in their tribute all along parade route
today with very few upsets. There must have been
thousands lining the sidewalks and open roadways.
They interviewed a bit outside of Staples Center before
the parade began but it was noticeable coach Phil Jackson
was among the missing. The joy however was felt by all &
most infectious as they willingly gave their testimony to
their winning the 7th. game for the Championship.
Champagne dribbled down shirts and over players heads
in the locker room on winning night & illustrated the love
demonstrated toward each other and the camaraderie they
showed to each other with their competitive spirits having
been on a real high here in L.A. on their own home court.
We wish them well yet urge them to rest up..we need to
see them healthy and willing to strain toward another win
when basketball season resumes. In a future article I have
some very interesting data to unfold that ought to give you
food for thought about our Laker team. Keep looking for
this blog and I will try hard to not disappoint you!
By the way, Jordan Farmar (& wife) expecting a baby!!
Babs Wells

Friday, June 18, 2010

Congratulations! Bring out the bubbly! Sixteenth win!
Sweet Sixteen is ours..Those Lakers brought the house
down in game #6 beating the Boston Celtics big time
and then came our #7...battling for the
Finals Championship..All through out this game the
Celtics had it sewed up..even at half time they were
ahead. Phil Jackson, coach, must have given some pep
talk because late in the 3rd quarter our team came fourth quarter they zoomed ahead and remained
ahead to win the game for us..the fans went wild!
Score: 83-79. The Boston team was terrific, no doubt
about it but when Ron Artest, Derek Fisher, Sasha, Pau
and our MVP Kobe Bryant turned on the charm
it was evident our confetti would fall, our dreams were
for real and the day was ours to celebrate! Those trophies
sure are huge and mighty pretty! We earned our place to
pause and be grateful for the courage to win, for the right
of passage, all with smiles on our faces, so enjoy the moment.
It has been such fun for me as a writer, to be able to bring
to you the facts and figures of these past Laker games & to
relate to you some other interesting notes to read as well.
Now is rest time and the possibility for me to bring a few
other pieces of interest for you to ponder as well.Thank you
for your allegiance during these past weeks and months and
do hope you have enjoyed reading some of the information
I have brought to you. Consider this an invitation then to
continue to read my blog and see for yourselves continued
"other" bits of information that may just peek your interest.
Relax until next years' L.A. Lakers games are upon us for NBA basketball competition.
I will sign off for this time with a huge grin on my face!!
Babs Wells

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We did a GREAT Job!

Dancing with the stars! The team we are happy with right now is
getting ready with their expectations and we, the spectators,are
next in preparing the applause! Never have I seen such a game.
Celtics seemed to be in a daze as they ran for baskets. Ditto for
game #7 if we can. NBA finals and the Championship are coming up!
Lets give a loud rooting and cheering for the next game on Thursday.
We are all hoping for our Lakers to win this important game.
Score Tuesday's game: 89 - 67
Cheers my friends!!!
Babs Wells

Monday, June 14, 2010

Derek Fisher and his family were interviewed for a very nice
broadcast at half time during Sunday's game and gave an
accounting about their wee one with cancer of the eye.
Derek is a free agent right now and we are all awaiting
almost with bated breath to see just what his decision
might be...retire? Go with a different team? Remain a Laker?
Also in much the same way our questions are not getting
answered regarding coach Phil Jackson. His doctor app't.
is set for after the Finals games have been played.
Speaking of which, unless our team swings that pendulum
the other way, we will see 2008 all over again and that
would be a real pity. Losing in Boston on Sunday to the
Celtics team was a heart breaker to watch. The triangle
was missing, the players were ho hum and it appeared
our poor Kobe Bryant had to almost carry the entire game.
He worked that floor in Boston like mad but no one man
can field the entire game and make it work in his favor.
The Celtics won in game five and now will be coming to L.A.
to play on our own home court at Staples center. If we do
not win this upcoming game the entire Finals will be over.
If, instead we do win, it would bode 3-3 and we could feasibly
win game seven & if so, we would be the victors.
Sunday's score was Boston 92 and Lakers at 86.
No one can single handed-ly carry their team to a Championship.
Kobe made a game high of 38 points and had us cheering in
the fourth quarter as he landed that ball square into the basket.
Along with a disappointment of Sunday's game we learn of
another loss..Remember Jimmy Dean of the famed Jimmy Dean
sausages? (And also of the old song "Big Bad John")?
Jimmy passed away watching T.V. at age 81.In later years
he had sold his meat company to Sara Lee and then did not
really like some of the things Sara Lee had done with his
company so he penned the verse "Somebody doesn't like Sara Lee"!
His wife told reporters of this just outside of Richmond, VA on their
200 acre estate. His wife, Donna, is a song writer in her own stead.
Our old boy Laker spirit still lives on as we hold them in high regard
and are willing to give them some room for improvement so this
next coming game will live to tell the tale on Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.
We'll breathe a little easier if we can pull this one off.
Babs Wells

Friday, June 11, 2010

Before I begin my actual article today I want to pay homage to
a real veteran of our Laker team. Derek Fisher. He is one man
that keeps his cool under duress and he lends an ear to his team-
mates plus allows them to vent as he listens patiently. This is a
true gentleman and he turns 36 in August. He helps balance any
hurt feelings or misgivings so that the misunderstandings melt away.
He is an observer and is mostly pretty laid back in nature however
his influence goes beyond the ball playing part of any game. He extends what ever is needed and has a very 'special relationship with his friend and co-player, Kobe Bryant. As a two man team, they are a winning combination. I do believe, now that Derek is a free agent they
really ought to keep him on as a Laker player and not even consider
letting this man go. Let's all keep that in mind and in our hopes please.
Now we come to write a bit about someone that is a key
player but not a Laker, let me digress for a moment, would you?
89 year old Helen Thomas, opinionated White House correspondent,
has been asked to not return to her front row seat for news coverage.
She has been in that front row perch under 10 Presidents and has
grilled each and every one. She made her name being connected with
the U. Press International & was a pioneer for women like me to be
allowed more freedoms in journalism. Retired as a columnist for Hearst News Service, she joined UPI in 1943 and thus began covering the White House for wire service in 1960. Fiercely competitive, she became the first female White House Bureau Chief for a wire service when UPI named her to the position in 1974. She also was first female officer at National Press Club where once women had been barred as members. Helen has a 'special stature that she has earned and so it is sad to me that now she has been asked to discontinue in her position sitting in that front seat at press conferences at the White House. You will be missed.
And another loss has our Laker team at the other end of the spectrum from last night's game with the Boston Celtics winning, score of 96-89. We were doing just fine until the 4th. quarter when we let our defenses down and just did not seem to be able to bring the numbers back up. Andrew Bynum had some problems with his knee so he was in the locker room making attempts to ease it some to be able to get back out on the floor to play but his contribution to the game was meager. Pau made some very interesting shots though we often lost the ball but recovered well for the most part yet the game was not ours evidently with Finals showing 2-2 now.
Sunday we can hope to redeem ourselves and come out the winning team.
Hope so.
Babs Wells

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

And I live to tell the story. Concerns my harrowing tale of living
through a most frightening experience. Almost not around to be
able to have watched last evenings' Laker game against the Celtics.
On way home from shopping, our car brakes completely went out.
Steering loss too and pumping and pumping the brakes produced
no brakes use at all. Four way stop once and green light at signal
once but not one vehicle in sight. About 6 blocks from home the
brakes returned. Why? Master cylinder? Brake fluid loss? Who
knows...and who knows why on earth we had clear sailing on those
roads with nothing in our way as we breezily sped past? You can
question and question but to this writers' belief, a higher power
indeed was allowing us to see another Birthday so safely home we
came. Towed to garage today & soon we shall know the mystery. or lose, isn't it a lot more fun to win though? On Boston's
home court, our Laker team did not come up us a higher
number scoring at each quarter, we won our
Oddity though, Ray Allen in game # 2 made 8 (!) 3 pointers to help
his team come over the top (Celtics) yet this last game he made zero.
Derek Fisher of the Lakers was the man of the hour this past game
for us. He scored 16 points, 11 of them in the fourth quarter!
Kobe Bryant scored 29 points and Pau Gasol added 13 points with
10 rebounds.Best news of all is that our players avoided foul trouble
that forced some of our best players to the bench in each of the first
two games but especially so for the 2nd. game played.
This game the players had only 2 fouls during the first half .
Very good game for this reporter certainly to watch, counting her
own personal blessings . Game # 3 score? Lakers 91, Boston 84.
Another game coming up tomorrow tune in Thursday.
Babs Wells

Monday, June 7, 2010

Losses are never easy to deal with. Remembering the UCLA
great coach, John Woodman, now gone and once again joining
his deceased wife, Nell. We bid goodbye and God Speed.
We lost a former child star as well, Gary Coleman..and at an age
that was not a long life either. Only 42, he gave up his stricken
body and left us. Our Laker team lost on Sunday right in Staples
on their own home court to the Boston Celtics. Boston
was in top form making three pointers look like child's play.
Lamar Odom and Ron Artest were trying but fouls got in the way.
Kobe Bryant too..having to sit down for far more of the game
than he would have liked. We tied at intervals and it looked like we
were going to pull it off but with only seconds left to play, the
Celtics pulled ahead of us winning at 103-94.
Jack Ramsay received the Chuck Daly lifetime achievement award
for 2010. Both Tex Winter and Jack Ramsay were honored on
by the NBA Coaches Association & received the award.
Tex Winter was the one that introduced the triangle offense to the
NBA originally known as the triple post offense. Phil Jackson, our
Lakers coach, said that it was heart warming to see two guys that
you have looked up to as a coach receive this award. The fundamental
goal of the triangle offense is to create mismatches by passing the ball
instead of dribbling it around the court, and moving the ball from one
side of the floor to the other before defenders can adjust quickly enough.
Our center, by the way, even though running with an injury, Andrew
, had a playoff high of 21 points and six rebounds. So with that
nice bit of news, we will sign off for this time and await Tuesdays game
at 6:00 played in Boston. We all wish our Lakers luck.
Babs Wells

Friday, June 4, 2010

The coach'es coach, John Wooden, is ill right now and could
use our positive thoughts. He led UCLA to 10 National titles in
basketball before retiring in 1975. Currently he is in UCLA
Medical Center. Former star and father of Lakers Luke Walton,
Bill Walton, has been close to John Wooden & visited him earlier
this past week. Wooden is just 4 mo. away from turning 100!
Another bit of information that I will pass on to you concerns
The Boston Celtics (team we played against Thursday).
Coach Doc Rivers, made a remarkable ploy of gaining his teams'
confidence in themselves by asking each player for $100 awhile
back and told them he would seal the money within an envelope
and that he did, then he proceeded to hide the envelope up on
Staples Center locker room ceiling beneath a ceiling tile. He then told
each player that they could regain their money if they played hard
and were able to come right back there to play against the Laker team
in the finals! What motivation! Really a remarkable idea in my opinion.
Guess our coach had some similar feeling too as coach Phil Jackson asked
our players for $50 each and told them to stand defense against
the Celtics and watch their plays better (which they did too) and if
so, he would return the money he had taken back to them after the game.
It worked! Our defense was great, fouls a bit hard to take as it seemed
the ref's. took great pride in calling fouls at every turn down the court.
Eighteen fouls called in first quarter. Crazy. We were 9 points ahead
at half time and ended the first game of these finals with score of 102-89.
Great game. 1-0 for first game of the possible 7 so now we will see how
these finals play out with the very next game to watch this coming Sunday.
Pau Gasol and Kobe Bryant took the floor by a storm, Kobe making 30 points
and Pau adding 23 points and 14 rebounds.Our Laker team were poised
and polished and it showed. They unleashed 2 years of pent-up emotions
and roared past the Boston Celtics. Sundays game will also be at Staples Center.
Babs Wells