Monday, June 14, 2010

Derek Fisher and his family were interviewed for a very nice
broadcast at half time during Sunday's game and gave an
accounting about their wee one with cancer of the eye.
Derek is a free agent right now and we are all awaiting
almost with bated breath to see just what his decision
might be...retire? Go with a different team? Remain a Laker?
Also in much the same way our questions are not getting
answered regarding coach Phil Jackson. His doctor app't.
is set for after the Finals games have been played.
Speaking of which, unless our team swings that pendulum
the other way, we will see 2008 all over again and that
would be a real pity. Losing in Boston on Sunday to the
Celtics team was a heart breaker to watch. The triangle
was missing, the players were ho hum and it appeared
our poor Kobe Bryant had to almost carry the entire game.
He worked that floor in Boston like mad but no one man
can field the entire game and make it work in his favor.
The Celtics won in game five and now will be coming to L.A.
to play on our own home court at Staples center. If we do
not win this upcoming game the entire Finals will be over.
If, instead we do win, it would bode 3-3 and we could feasibly
win game seven & if so, we would be the victors.
Sunday's score was Boston 92 and Lakers at 86.
No one can single handed-ly carry their team to a Championship.
Kobe made a game high of 38 points and had us cheering in
the fourth quarter as he landed that ball square into the basket.
Along with a disappointment of Sunday's game we learn of
another loss..Remember Jimmy Dean of the famed Jimmy Dean
sausages? (And also of the old song "Big Bad John")?
Jimmy passed away watching T.V. at age 81.In later years
he had sold his meat company to Sara Lee and then did not
really like some of the things Sara Lee had done with his
company so he penned the verse "Somebody doesn't like Sara Lee"!
His wife told reporters of this just outside of Richmond, VA on their
200 acre estate. His wife, Donna, is a song writer in her own stead.
Our old boy Laker spirit still lives on as we hold them in high regard
and are willing to give them some room for improvement so this
next coming game will live to tell the tale on Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.
We'll breathe a little easier if we can pull this one off.
Babs Wells

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