Monday, June 21, 2010

Double Decker buses, fire department, scores of
police stationed all along parade route and here
they were assembled holding their trophy high for
all to see, our proud Laker team, friends, fans and
the families of our Laker team were right
alongside them grinning with glee..we won! We
actually defeated the green Boston Celtics in a very
hard won game. Two in a row now..and looking forward
to making it three for next season. With our team so
united in their efforts it paid off big time. The crowd
was electric in their tribute all along parade route
today with very few upsets. There must have been
thousands lining the sidewalks and open roadways.
They interviewed a bit outside of Staples Center before
the parade began but it was noticeable coach Phil Jackson
was among the missing. The joy however was felt by all &
most infectious as they willingly gave their testimony to
their winning the 7th. game for the Championship.
Champagne dribbled down shirts and over players heads
in the locker room on winning night & illustrated the love
demonstrated toward each other and the camaraderie they
showed to each other with their competitive spirits having
been on a real high here in L.A. on their own home court.
We wish them well yet urge them to rest up..we need to
see them healthy and willing to strain toward another win
when basketball season resumes. In a future article I have
some very interesting data to unfold that ought to give you
food for thought about our Laker team. Keep looking for
this blog and I will try hard to not disappoint you!
By the way, Jordan Farmar (& wife) expecting a baby!!
Babs Wells

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