Monday, June 28, 2010

R and R time for our Lakers right now but I see
that Kobe Bryant took some time off to travel
to Rustenburg, South Africa to attend the World
round of 16 soccer match.
Also, our beloved Basketball legend, John
Wooden was well remembered when a spotlight
shone down on the Nell and John Wooden court
Saturday as a memorial for the renowned former
UCLA basketball coach took place.
John Wooden's "pyramid of success" was told
at the podium by those who knew him best.
So many changes for us all to the
replacement of top command in Afghanistan from
having the ousting of McChrystal & the establishment
of new command with Gen. David Petraeus.
We have many events to ponder other than considering this
coming October as we again root for our Laker team.
Like, for example the passing of a wise older gentleman.
We have just lost U.S. Dep't. Senator Robert Byrd.
An eloquent speaker and a most noble man. We also
see that Thomas Frost, (creator of 1967 "Officer
Friendly") has died. These two men will both be
sorely missed.
Back on the Laker trail, I wonder how many of us
really realized that Derek Fisher is NBA president?
He leads the Players Association and also is Community
Ambassador. Derek, our 6 ft.1inch forward has written
a book titled: "Character Driven".
He is involved in helping charitable causes for assisting
families affected by cancer of the eye as well. This is called
"retinoblastoma". Magic Johnson wrote a forward in
Derek's book noting "Here is a man dedicated and sincere
that has both integrity and passion". Yes, we who have
followed his career are well aware of this.
That is precisely why we wait with bated breath for the
news that Derek (free agent now) is signing up to remain
on our winning Laker team.
In case any of you care to find out more regarding the
Lakers, I suggest that you seek out another writers blog.
Just go to:
Written by Elliot Teaford.
Until later then, I am......
Babs Wells

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