Friday, June 18, 2010

Congratulations! Bring out the bubbly! Sixteenth win!
Sweet Sixteen is ours..Those Lakers brought the house
down in game #6 beating the Boston Celtics big time
and then came our #7...battling for the
Finals Championship..All through out this game the
Celtics had it sewed up..even at half time they were
ahead. Phil Jackson, coach, must have given some pep
talk because late in the 3rd quarter our team came fourth quarter they zoomed ahead and remained
ahead to win the game for us..the fans went wild!
Score: 83-79. The Boston team was terrific, no doubt
about it but when Ron Artest, Derek Fisher, Sasha, Pau
and our MVP Kobe Bryant turned on the charm
it was evident our confetti would fall, our dreams were
for real and the day was ours to celebrate! Those trophies
sure are huge and mighty pretty! We earned our place to
pause and be grateful for the courage to win, for the right
of passage, all with smiles on our faces, so enjoy the moment.
It has been such fun for me as a writer, to be able to bring
to you the facts and figures of these past Laker games & to
relate to you some other interesting notes to read as well.
Now is rest time and the possibility for me to bring a few
other pieces of interest for you to ponder as well.Thank you
for your allegiance during these past weeks and months and
do hope you have enjoyed reading some of the information
I have brought to you. Consider this an invitation then to
continue to read my blog and see for yourselves continued
"other" bits of information that may just peek your interest.
Relax until next years' L.A. Lakers games are upon us for NBA basketball competition.
I will sign off for this time with a huge grin on my face!!
Babs Wells

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