Sunday, November 4, 2012


LAKERS!!!!! Wake up! And, believe me it is not fair
to think our Kobe can do it all. Yes, Dwight did
finally make some of his free throws, bravo!
But, even with Kobe making 40 points, we lost
the game to the L.A. Clippers, score: 105-95.
So...seems with 8 games lost previously and now 3 more
losses in a row..... Phil Jackson, where are you???
With the fairly new season for us all, let's just
mark it up to "getting it together and getting
to know each other far better" in order to win.
On a completely different note though, since 
both the Lakers and this blog writer are from
the state of Minnesota, our little American-
Profile paper had a super article that I thought
I might share and tell you about.
The subjects' name is: John Rheinberger, an
attorney from Stillwater, MN. Last year he
concluded one of his life's pursuits of being on 
a worldwide tour of 196 nations which he began
37 years ago. In addition to the 193 
members of the United Nations, Rheinberger
visited Kosovo, Vatican City and Taiwan. The U.S.
Department of State recognizes 195 independent
countries, absent Taiwan. The ink stamps in
John's passports read like the register of
an experienced and dedicated world traveler.
Algeria, Bolivia, China, Germany, Haiti,
Honduras, Iran, Japan, Libya, Namibia,
North Korea, Spain, Ukraine, Vietnam.
Initially he journeyed across North America
from Ottawa, Canada, to Mexico City, and
in 1978 he flew to Australia, a trip he
encourages others to try and he recounts
as one of his most memorable. He thought
it was the 51st state when he was there!!
Surprisingly, John wasn't particularly 
apprehensive about visiting countries
ruled by dictators, "Initially, I was a little
scared" he says, "But in some ways you
are very safe because everybody is watching
you and watching out for you. There is real
protection in that". He is currently toying
with an idea of getting a doctorate from the
University of Minnesota. (He has 6 other
academic degrees). Most interesting man
and very fascinating article I thought.
Another footnote before ending this
article today is to say "Hats off to our
Lakers for yet another contribution
that we just learned about" All of the
dollars in donations sent off to the
people that were harmed and put in
recent harms way during the tragic super
storm the East Coast endured: "Hurricane Sandy".
And so, we watch the news reports of
the ongoing job of renewal & cleanup. 
Our East Coast neighbors harboring such horrid past
days and memories now that we pray they
find some hope and help in days ahead.
Babs Wells 

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