Sunday, November 18, 2012


This number is the one now used by our Lakers
star, Kobe Bryant and is also the number for
the newest coach, Mike D'Antoni, of the Lakers.
He is our 24th coach and we wish him the best
in the weeks and months to come. Bernie has
been doing a super job with our team and we
do thank him as well. Having won a game and
then lost game, we find now that we are just
starting to feel far more organized as a team
an understand the workings of individual
players better than we did in the beginning.
Now last eve. we won again playing against
the Phoenix Suns (a team our own coach
we have now used to coach plus the very
team our player, Steve Nash used to play
with for a few years as our opponent).
The score last night was: 114-102.
A fun game to watch and I am pretty sure
Steve Nash would dearly have loved being
a participant in but due to his  team doctor
refusing him to suit up just yet, having  the
minor fracture to his left leg, he sat out.
Nash remains quite familiar with D'Antoni's
pick-and-roll based offensive system after
compiling two NBA league MVP's through
four seasons playing under him in Phoenix.
This last game showed us that the Lakers
had the ability to run down the court with
uncharacteristic speed and  determination.
They seemed to score with ease and won 
in front of a sellout crowd of 18,997 at Staples
Center. Perhaps now we can say goodbye
to slowtime and hello to showtime?
Friday marked the end of an era, with
interim coach Bernie Bickerstaff guiding
the Lakers through D'Antoni's up-tempo
offensive game plan.  No, the Lakers did
not charge down the court with reckless
abandon. They picked their spots, running
when they outnumbered the retreating Suns
and slowing down when the situation called
for caution. They did move around the court
quicker and found a nice rhythm to their
offense from the opening minutes and went
into the game averaging 96.5 points in their 
deliberated offense. And so we end this column
today yelling "Are we having fun yet???!!!".
Babs Wells

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