Tuesday, November 13, 2012


The scenario shifts. Losses are old history now
and wins are all the talk of the town. No more 
do we have coach Mike Brown with our Lakers
either, but the crowd chanted "Bring back Phil".
Yes, coach Phil Jackson did retire on what
he probably thought was a sticky wicket with
our Lakers losing out in getting yet another
ring and that is a shame. Yes, his health
is much improved we are hearing, but the
sports latest information is telling us that
the new coach hired for our "FAB FOUR"
and all the Lakers players to listen to and
to hopefully gain insight from, will not
be Phil after all. Seems another Mike will
be taking their offer..Mike D'Antoni.
We will graciously accept him into the
fold and  listen to his teachings in the
role chosen for him. We have been on a
winning streak already which is pretty
great! Recently we won against Golden
State and again against Sacramento.
Our games have been played in Staples
Center and as home games I suppose
that we indeed have had the advantage.
Without Steve Nash out on the floor
we were sort of wondering just how it
would play out, but with point guard Steve
Blake he's done a wonderful job there.
Kobe was out a bit too and of course
initially so was Dwight Howard. Having
Pau Gasol always right at the net when
needed and Metta World Peace grabbing
the opportunities provided for him with 
making baskets has been great too.
The caption heading this column today
indicates Time Warners new sportsnet that is
bringing us the Lakers games and of
course the sportsnut refers to me,
the writer which is my handle with google
to obtain information gained in
order to read my articles.
Namely: sportsnut-babs.blogspot.com
Me..Barbara, AKA Babs...so do hope
you continue looking for me and
keep the faith in our team too,
especially so now with yet another
brand new coach. Gonna be lotsa fun!!
Babs Wells

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