Monday, November 26, 2012

Black Friday

Black Friday did not start out meaning
the day retailers' balance sheets start
showing a profit (or go in the black).
Folks took off the day following Thanksgiving
and called in sick to their work so it
began having a bad connotation that way.
Some started calling that day "Big Friday".
However, in 1961, Public Relations News reported
that in December that year the media
cooperated in spreading the news of beauty
in shop windows readying themselves for
the Christmas holiday. Thus, people
began to hustle right after Thanksgiving
before stores became too crowded. They would view
the prettily clad shop windows and in doing
so, the day following "turkey" day, emerged
into what is known as Black Friday. Having
found out these bits of offerings I bring
to you today the fact Friday our Lakers lost
their game  playing against Memphis.
Following that game, a winning game
seems more happily to speak about though
right? Speaking of that I shall. The winner
for Sundays game were indeed our Lakers!
They played Dallas and won hands down
with a score of: 115 to 89. No Black Friday
phrasing there surely. In fact, Howard
and Gasol both broke their personal
slumps and L.A. got their first win
away from Staples Center. Interestingly
too is that the Lakers actually showed up 
on defense. Most unpredictable these
players of ours. To move the ball more
and develop far better pick and roll
is the aim of new coach D'Antoni .
So, pick and rolls fella's. Next game is 
back home Tuesday night with Indiana
and that game is followed  on Friday
night (also at home) with Denver.
Babs Wells

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