Thursday, April 18, 2013


So often in sports, we take sides and we nourish a
team in our hearts and in our thoughts for the ones
we feel the closest to. No matter whether it be 
Hockey, Soccer, Football, Baseball...even Basketball, 
surely. So in doing this, we negate some others 
for various and sundry reasons. 
Boston Celtics with their green uniforms,
we haven't felt kin to, yet watching on T.V.
of the disaster at the Marathon's finish line with 
the destruction and mayhem that took place,
as Americans, we are all within the confines of
brotherhood to embrace Boston in our prayers.

Now on to the NBA ending season..our own Kobe
Bryant had surgery for his Achilles heel and was
sidelined for the last two games. Games that his
teammates took to their own hearts for game
plays to deal with as a unified team, while they came
together with that frame of mind to win both games.
Steve Nash was not able yet to play either 
and so the team gathered strengths as they 
played and played well. We are ever so
proud of you all. A season ending injury such as 
what Kobe has experienced allows us all to rethink
options. Through 7 games in April, the Lakers'
output from both Dwight Howard and Pau Gasol,
represent their highest all season (Howard: 21.6
points) and (Gasol: 17.6 points). They routinely
look for each other on lob passes and post-ups.
This was ever so noticeable during this last game
against the Houston Rockets. With the score - in
overtime, of: 99-95, the Lakers victory cinched them 
to land at 7th place seed. Utah lost their game so now 
we have not had to take a back seat and that is just
fine with all of us. Dwight Howard made 16 points
with 18 rebounds. Steve Blake scored 24 points
while Pau Gasol added his 7th. career triple-double
and the L.A. Lakers secured the seventh playoff slot
in the Western Conference. We applaud you all and
knew you would not let us down. On to the Playoffs!
Babs Wells

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