Monday, April 15, 2013


With no Steve Nash or the Mamba on the floor
to play against San Antonio last night, many of
us came to the table worried somewhat and
said a silent prayer that our team members
would fill in the gaps and come in playing
hard and well and as a team unit. Well, we
need not have worried. Also the fans were
in fine force with signs of goodwill and a
show of faith in Pau, Metta World Peace.
Steve Blake, Dwight Howard, Jamison,
Meeks, Earl Clark and Morris. We were
on fire to win and win we surely did.
There were so many times during the
game however when it was tied so it
did make for a very different kind of
game to watch. Ending score was:
91-86. I guess it could be called a
rather patchwork Lakers lineup but
granted, they saw the challenge and
did what they have been trained to Win!. Cheers arose through
out the stands and banners of 
Get Well Wishes were seen for both
Steve Nash and our warrior and trooper,
Kobe Bryant. Bitter tasting to be sure,
just at season's ending before playoffs,
to be hindered in such a painful way.
But we do, all wish him the very best
and hope and pray the healing process
will be quick so recovery happens by
the time training begins in October.
Thank you guys for a great game and
keep that winning attitude for this last
game against Houston. We think you
can do it!
Babs Wells

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