Tuesday, April 23, 2013


The T.V. timeouts during the Playoff games
allows us to sit back and consider just how
our Lakers might manage without their
star player, Kobe Bryant. Yes, he uses the
texts to view his thoughts and game plans
but it just is not the same. Kobe, sidelined 
now due to a recovery period that will range
anywhere from a 6 to 9 month time frame 
healing from an Achilles heel tendon
surgery, will certainly have his thoughts
known. His injury took place earlier this month 
late in the Golden State game.
His foot will be immobilized for about a
month to prevent him from stretching out the
tendon, followed by a lengthy rehabilitation
process. Kobe, the warrior, has taken the
challenge and now it is up to the remainder
of the team to come to the courts ready to
unite and play well and allow us all to see
their more forceful 4 quarters outcome.
We are all wondering just how they might
sustain this during the playoff games.
Role players such as Steve Blake and Antawn
Jamison have elevated their scoring punches.
Gasol and Howard will certainly be facing
far more double teaming now and they need
to more consistently hit their outside shots.
Facing San Antonio is indeed a worry for us.
We lost the first round and on Wednesday
we play them once again. Earning this
7th place seed match-up with San Antonio,
Lakers won 5 straight games to close the
regular season, including a 91-86 victory
without the black Mamba, beating San Antonio.
We now have dropped game one to the Spurs.
Thinking that we did have the game won,
we closed within 4 points midway through the
3rd. quarter Sunday. However, we lost it anyway.
Nothing seems to have gone according to plan
ever since D'Antoni took over the coaching of
our Lakers team. It is now 5 months later and
we see even the reunion with Nash has not 
enabled us to restore "Showtime". The more
methodical and grinding pace we have endured,
seems to be extremely challenging and Nash's
soreness in his right hamstring is just not
going away. Our 91-79 game loss on Sunday
proves the points made and is a visual reminder
that we are watching the struggle yet hope for
more wins than losses in games to come.
Wednesday our team will suit up so we'll see
just how much we can begin now to clean up.
Babs Wells.

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