Monday, April 29, 2013


First of all, we lost the last 4 games in our PLAY OFF
Series to San Antonio. Injuries came into our team's
locker room to undermine us and deter our intentions.
When Dwight Howard was ejected during this very
last game played on Sunday, it seemed as if it was  
rejection of us as a team along with the ejection and
was very likely to be the last straw. Emotions ran
high but the crowd just cheered and clapped when
our star player, Kobe Bryant came limping out on
his crutches. Needless to say, our disappointment
was rampant and our emotional state most grim.
To say we tried, is fair but about all that really
can be claimed at this sorry hour of Play off games
is the bench came in to attempt to rescue us and
even with their exceptional talents, it was plainly
not enough to keep us from defeat. Another
season awaits us and hopefully far more injury
free for our main players. An upside-down past
year has put us in a most vulnerable situation.
We are proud of our team and we played hard
but it just simply was not enough. Yes, we did
have an enormous promise of Bryant, Steve
Nash, Dwight Howard and Pau Gasol as pillars
of a Championship as contenders, yet this
last weekend it all crumbled for the Finale.
We shall continue this blog from time to time
with various and sundry writings. Again
in the fall, season begins for us but for right
now we bid you adieu. 
God Bless.
Babs Wells

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