Saturday, April 27, 2013


Even without some star players, our Laker
team practiced, played and made the bold
attempt to win, but so far just not so.
Two games lost in San Antonio..home of
the famous Alamo and beautiful river walk.
Then back home last evening with out
Steve Blake, Kobe Bryant, Steve Nash
and a hurting Metta World Peace (a drained
knee cyst). At second half, he was unable
to give the game his all so Goudelock
and Pau Gasol did their level best to do
their job without the backing of our star
players. The final chapter of a bizzare 
season that never really was, could be
written on Sunday in game 4 at Staples.
All of this sadness happened upon such
a happy day otherwise for this writer.
Becoming a Great grandma for the 3rd.
time within a 2 year period (all girls!)
and the information that yet another
tiny bundle will appear for us to have
within our family circle this November
is almost too much joy to handle well!
We found out too that our heart problem 
grandson has been monitored and doing
well his cardiologist tells us, for now.
Loss of a daughter last June and the
sorrow it caused us all, is now allowing
us to be ever so joyous over new babes.
Thank you for letting me share with you.
Back to the basket ball courts. An MRI taken
Thursday afternoon revealed Meeks has
a partial ligament tear in his sprained
left ankle. It is unlikely that he will be able
to play this coming Sunday for game 4.
Playoff Game number one: San Antonio
scored 91 and Lakers 79, final score.
Playoff Game number two: San Antonio
made 102, while Lakers had 91.
Playoff Game number three: San Antonio
final number was 120, while Lakers? 89.
Now the game being played in Staples Center
this coming Sunday is at 4:00 p.m. and
will be of utmost importance. We'll all watch!
Babs Wells

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